With Hakkam Online, you can play Hakkam online with thousands of people from all over Iran and the world, chat with them, and add them to your friends' list. With OnlineHokm you can play court piece, chat and add friends from around the world all online. Program features: Application abilities: - Setting rules for every room (like the time of every turn, number of hands, respecting turns, active chat, etc.) - Setting rules for every room (like the time of every turn, number of hands, regarding the turn, enabling the chat...) - Adding other users to the friends list - Inviting others to the room - Having a public chat room with voice chat - Public chat room with voice chat - Private chat with other players - See rooms your friends - View online members list - Observing online people's list - Send offline message to other players - Send offline message to other players - Viewing other players ' profiles - Observing other's profiles - Holding period matches - Holding off period matches - Choosing an image for profile - Choosing image for profile - and other facilities... - And so on... Recommend the online ruling to your friends and Play with them. Suggest OnlineHokm to your friends and play court piece with them. You can share your questions with us on Telegram @hokmonline. Any betting in this game is prohibited and violators will be dealt with.