تطبيق " احجز طبيبك " تطبيق مجاني لخدمة أهلنا في مدينة الموصل الحبيبة والذي يتيح للمستخدم فرصة البحث عن أقرب المجمعات الطبية و الاطباء المشتركة مسبقا في هذا التطبيق و بكافة الاختصاصات و أوقات تواجدهم وامكان عياداتهم على خرائط كوكل كما و يوفر التطبيق الحجز الالكتروني دون الحاجة لمراجعة الطبيب او الاتصال و أختيار الوقت و التاريخ المناسبين لك.بأمكان المستخدم أدارة الحجز الذي قام به ورؤية موعد الحجز متى ماأراد ذلك .
"Book Your Doctor" Application Created To Serve Our People In Mosul City By Booking Their Doctors Appointment Online And Have the Opportunity to see the Availability Of Each Doctors Whom Subscribed to This App,The App Also Shows The Location For All Subscribed Doctors's Clinics On Maps,user Can Mange his/her Own Booking and See The Appointment That he/she Already Made.
The application "Reserve your doctor" is a free application to serve our people in the beloved city of Mosul, which allows the user the opportunity to search for the closest medical complexes and doctors previously involved in this application and with all specialties and times of their presence and the possibility of their clinics on the maps of Google as well and the application provides electronic reservation without the need to see a doctor Or call and choose the appropriate time and date for you. The user can manage the reservation he made and see the appointment date whenever he wants.
"Book Your Doctor" Application Created To Serve Our People In Mosul City By Booking Their Doctors Appointment Online And Have the Opportunity to see the Availability Of Each Doctors Whom Subscribed to This App, The App Also Shows The Location For All Subscribed Doctors's Clinics On Maps , user Can Mange his / her Own Booking and See The Appointment That he / she Already Made.