Download あいりすミスティリア!~少女のつむぐ夢の秘跡~ 2.5.01 APK For Android

Download あいりすミスティリア!~少女のつむぐ夢の秘跡~ 2.5.01 APK For Android

Developer:  Dmmgames

Category:   Role playing

あいりすミスティリア!は「千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫」や「大図書館の羊飼い」で知られる美少女ゲームブランドAUGUSTとDMM GAMESがタッグを組んでお届けする学園RPGです。




シナリオ:榊原拓 / 内田ヒロユキ / 安西秀明 / 加賀宮考一
シナリオ協力:瀬尾順 / 砥石大樹 / 御厨みくり / 保住圭 / かずきふみ / 8
CG着彩:ぺぺる / ひろた / 巻道 / 弥弛 ほか
想飾イラスト:脳みそホエホエ Airis Mistyria! Is a school RPG in which a beautiful girl game brand called AUGUST and DMM GAMES, known for "Seven Blades, Princess Princess of Momoka Dye" and "The Shepherd of the Large Library", sends a tag together.

▼ Scenario / illustration / music All AUGUST takes charge!
The gorgeous production team of AUGUST who has attracted many people in the beautiful girl game world colors the world of "Ai Miss".
Completely written scenario of major beauty girl game maker AUGUST will be developed in full voice with the volume of one or more light novels!

▼ Enjoy the school life with Iris and complete the scenario!
A total of more than 20 beautiful girls with unique personality have appeared!
Other than the scenario which delves into the individuality of each iris, the exchange story between the iris is also!
Over 1000 volumes combined!
There is also a story added to each event!
Interact with all the irises and complete the scenario!

▼ Customize Iris and Fight!
Each Iris comes with a variety of rarity dresses, and you can obtain new skills and abilities by getting them.
Let's create a perfect party with various combinations of individuality, dressing, skills, and abilities, and fight against strong opponents!

Character design ・ Original picture: Bekkanko / Natsukino
Scenario: Takumi Kuwahara / Hiroyuki Uchida / Hideaki Anzai / Koichi Kagamiya
Scenario cooperation: Seo Seo / Daiki Wonton / Mikikuri Otori / Ryo Hosumi / Fumi Kazuki / 8
Music: ActivePlanets
CG color: Peperu / Hirota / winding road / 弥 Other
Background art: Peper
Imaginary Illustration: Brain Mole Hoe ・直近のスキップパス消費数が所持数を上回るとスキップパスの使用数を変更できなくなり、また出撃しようとするとエラーが出る不具合

あいりすミスティリア!~少女のつむぐ夢の秘跡~ 2.5.01 APK For Android Specifications

  • Version: 2.5.01
  • Requires: Android : Android 6.0+
  • Package Name: :
  • Whats New: -
  • Updated: 2020-03-05
  • File size: : 88.9 MB
  • Ratting : -
  • Price: Free

あいりすミスティリア!~少女のつむぐ夢の秘跡~ 2.5.01 APK For Android Screenshots