Download 雀神台灣麻將 1.0.48 APK For Android

Download 雀神台灣麻將 1.0.48 APK For Android

Developer:  Mobjoy

Category:   Board

台灣麻將,是台灣等地流行的麻將玩法。每人輪流行牌稱為一手或一個打序;同一家兩次舍牌之間或四家行牌一周稱為一巡;砌牌至和牌或荒局稱為一盤;首盤起四人每輪流作莊下莊一回為一圈;每四圈稱為一將(雀)。另外有細緻的台數計算規則。 Taiwan Mahjong, Taiwan and other places popular mahjong games are played. Per person round or a popular brand called single-handedly fight sequence; referred to the same house twice between a brand or four line cards a Monday tour; and to build a license or license bureau called a shortage; from the first set of four per Chuang Chuang a turn for the next back to the circle; every four rings will be referred to a (bird). In addition there are detailed rules to calculate the number of units. 更換遊戲UI,模擬器限制登錄

雀神台灣麻將 1.0.48 APK For Android Specifications

  • Version: 1.0.48
  • Requires: Android : Android 4.1+
  • Package Name: : com.xsyouxi.taiwanmj
  • Whats New: -
  • Updated: 2020-01-13
  • File size: : 75.1 MB
  • Ratting : -
  • Price: Free

雀神台灣麻將 1.0.48 APK For Android Screenshots