In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God. We praise Him and seek His help. He whom God guides is not misguided, and he who misleads is not a guide.
To proceed: Since the knowledge of monotheism is obligatory for every Muslim, and man’s humanity is not perfected without it, and the best of this world and the hereafter is entrusted to him, and we saw the Salafists have included in it what is not befitting the Lord of Glory, I collected the words of the righteous predecessors in it as the interpretations of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, of the verses of the attributes, and the interpretations of his students in their books, and authorization The delegates and their disturbances, so that the reader can stand on the truth of the belief of the predecessors, their delegates and their delegates, and realize for him what the Salafis introduced into monotheism of innovations and delusions, and my success is only Allah, and in Him, we seek help.
- 2023-01-06Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About 2021 عقيــــــــــــدة السلف 1.0
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0
Last updated on 2023-01-06
This is first version of عقيــــــــــــدة
السلف الصالح 2021 .
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Same like 2021 عقيــــــــــــدة السلف 1.0
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