Developer: Vesta inc.
Category: Weather
You can see 60 days of daily weather forecasts that help you plan further in advance. The another feature is a military time chart that allows you to see today\s hourly weather at a glance. You can try the app at without installation, which provides almost the same functionality.
1. Long-range forecast
You can see 60 days of daily weather forecasts. The data source is NOAA and the best option for long-range forecast.
2. New UI design
Patented 24-hour clock chart UI is applied to the app. The animated chart makes it easier to understand the temperature difference from yesterday.
3. Detailed weather
The app covers hourly temperature, rainfall, wind speed, pressure, and humidity.
4. Available worldwide
Most of major cities in the world are covered. You can check the weather around you and all over the world at a glance.
Data source
NOAA Climate Forecast System (CFS)
NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS)
NOAA North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM)
Temperature - 2m above the ground
Precipitation - surface
Wind speed - 10m above the ground
Pressure - pressure reduced to mean sea level
Humidity - 2m above the ground
Vesta Inc.,
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