∙ Convenient calendar, similar to the standard Android calendar.
∙ For each day, a list of commemorated holidays, saints, and Mother of God icons is displayed with the ability to view detailed information on them.
∙ In the section \Prayers and readings of the day\ there are liturgical instructions (included in the full version of the application) and Gospel readings for each day of the year (you can move between readings with the arrows).
(included in the full version of the application)
∙ All books of the Bible in the Synodal translation.
∙ The font can be enlarged using the icon in the upper right corner \Тт\.
∙ You can use the arrows to move between the chapters of the selected book.
Prayer Words
(included in the full version of the application)
∙ The most popular prayers are collected: morning, evening, for communion and for various occasions.
∙ The font can be enlarged using the icon in the upper right corner \Тт\.
∙ If there are no prayers you need, and you would like to see them here, please write about it in the review.
∙ In \Requirements\ menu it is possible to order trees in many famous monasteries and temples.
∙ The order is required through the service
Most of the app's features do not require an internet connection (except for the ordering feature).
The Bible, prayer book, and liturgical instructions are included in the full version of the application and are paid for functionality.
The full version of the application is available upon purchase or subscription.
- 2023-03-10Update date
- Android Supported4.4
About Православный календарь 1.0.37
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.37
Last updated on 2023-03-10
∙ Исправлена ошибка в книге Исход.
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
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