땅야 - 토지 실거래가 조회 및 매매 4.4

부동산 정보알림서비스
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About 땅야 - 토지 실거래가 조회 및 매매 4.4

Danya is an application that provides the fastest and easiest way to search for real land transactions nationwide. Based on the real-time land and land transaction price information of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, it provides real-time land and land transaction prices, as well as the last actual transaction price by period, land transaction price inquiry by location, and currently registered land sales information.
Main functions)
- National land real transaction price inquiry
- Nationwide land market price and price trend inquiry
- Official land price inquiry / official land price actual
transaction price - Land transaction price and information on nearby properties based on actual land transaction price
- Real estate transaction information near the Supreme Court land auction
- Main Actual land transaction by region, market price trend, price index, recent transaction history
- Sales information by use, such as forest land / land / factory site / former, etc.
- Real estate land real transaction price statistics information
- Land sale, scrap land, Gangwon-do land sale, rural land sale, rural land Land sale information
- Townhouse exclusive land sale information
- Gangwon-do land and Jeju-do land sale information
- Display land/land for country house for sale and forest for sale
Tangya will always do its best to provide all information on land/land transactions.
thank you
※ App access right and personal information processing guide
[Required access rights]
- Phone: For user authentication and land consultation management
- Location: Used to provide location-based land sales information
[Optional access rights]
- Storage: Used to transfer photos, videos, files, or to save to the device
- Camera: Used to take photos and videos
[Terms of use for processing personal information and location information]
Privacy Policy)
Terms of Service)
Location Service Terms of Use)
* You can use the app even if you do not agree to the optional access right.
* Access rights are implemented in response to Android 6.0 or higher versions, divided into mandatory and optional rights. If you are using a version less than 6.0, you cannot individually allow selection rights, so we recommend updating to 6.0 or higher if possible.
Customer Center : 0505-231-8000
Developer Contact :

What's New in the Latest Version 4.4

Last updated on 2022-05-22
- 개인정보처리방침 URL 변경

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Developer:  부동산 정보알림서비스

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