The Rider Waite tarot deck includes 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning, and is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana are made up of 22 cards which represent the major events of life, while the Minor Arcana are made up of 56 cards which represent the more everyday aspects of life.
Tarot readings can be used for a variety of purposes, such as gaining insight into the past, present, and future, exploring the unconscious, and making decisions. Tarot readings can also be helpful in providing direction and clarity during times of transition or major life changes.
Now it's easier than ever to learn tarot card meanings with the Learn Tarot Cards app. Discover the secret and hidden meanings of all the cards in the Rider-Waite tarot deck (the most popular deck of cards used in tarot readings). Unlock daily tarot readings and be guided by tarot card readings.
L\application Learn Tarot Cards comprend:
- 78 tarot card meanings
- 22 major arcana card meanings
- 56 minor arcana card meanings
- Includes tarot readings for swords, staves, pentacles, and cups
- Rider Waite deck of cards
- Three draws
- Daily tarot reading notifications - Unlock exclusive
- Save tarot readings
- Share tarot readings with friends
The Rider Waite Tarot Deck is a 78-card tarot deck, which was first published in 1909. The deck is notable for its use of traditional tarot symbolism and for its innovative use of color. The Rider Waite tarot deck is one of the most popular tarot decks used today.
The Learn Tarot Cards app makes it easy to learn tarot card meanings, with the most popular card game being the Rider-Waite deck. You can unlock daily tarot readings and the app will guide you through your card readings.
Learn Tarot Cards is intended for educational purposes only.
- 2023-03-29Update date
- Android Supported5.1
About Apprendre le tarot 3.5.1
What's New in the Latest Version 3.5.1
Last updated on 2023-03-29
Cette version de Learn Tarot comprend plus de nouveaux cours de tarot pour vous aider à en apprendre davantage sur le tarot.
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Requires Android
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