Matching puzzles for 3-4-year-olds!
The game contains 36 puzzles with over 600 high-quality images designed for preschoolers.
the child will learn by this application:
Numbers and counting: 1-10 (with sounds)
The missing part: complete the missing
bilateral and spatial awareness: above, below, left to, right to, behind, and in front.
Shadow of objects
objects Match according to \depends on\, \facing\ and \kind of\ relationships.
Like our other game \Brain Buddy Kids\, this game has no ads!
The puzzles are prepared by a child mental development specialist.
The application was tested on dozens of 3-4 children before its release.
The puzzles contain pictures of numbers, flowers, cartoons, transport, fruits, vegetables, dolls, fish, rags, electrical equipment, children's faces, sports, shapes, animals, insects, cars, colors, and tools.
Try our other free games:
★ Kids Brain Trainer
★ Preschool Adventures-1
★ Preschool Adventures-3
★ Memory: Brain Trainer
★ Kids University
★ Kids Garden
★ Math School
★ Math Memory
Let your child have fun and learn with our wonderful Match Game \Puzzles Kids\!