Make your banking experience as mobile as you are with the new Bank of Commerce mobile app! Manage all of your savings & current accounts, time deposits, send money, keep track of all transactions, and pay bills instantly. Talk about easy banking anytime! Experience a better way to bank online with these amazing features: - Create your own personalized dashboard - Securely login with 2-factor authentication - Send cash to other BankCom accounts instantly - Transfer funds to any local bank via Instapay and Pesonet - View your complete transactions history - Pay bills for over 100 merchants with just a few taps - Update your customer profile - Generate a One Time Password (OTP) What are you waiting for? Download the new Bank of Commerce app today! Bank of Commerce Customer Care Metro Manila: (02) 8-632-2265 Domestic Toll-free numbers: 1800-10-982-6000 (PLDT) and 1800-8-982-6000 (Globe Lines) Email: Website: Bank of Commerce is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor. Proud member of BancNet.