Connie Witter’s life changed the day God answered the simple, but desperate cry of her heart, “Jesus, show me the truth that will set me free!” After many years of feeling like she never quite measured up, she began to see herself through the eyes of Perfect Love. The Holy Spirit taught her that because of Jesus, she was already the righteous, virtuous woman that she always wanted to be. This began her journey into growing in her true identity in Christ.
In 2006 Connie Witter established Because of Jesus Ministries, and she has devoted her life to sharing the good news of righteousness by grace through faith in Jesus. She is the author of numerous Jesus-focused Bible Studies and books, and she travels around the US and internationally speaking in prisons, meetings, and conferences sharing the Gospel of Grace. She has a weekly teaching broadcast on her youtube ministry channel
Now through this app, people everywhere can subscribe for free to an ever-growing lifetime collection of teachings that declare our freedom from performance-based religion. May you discover the joy of knowing your identity in Christ through God’s unconditional love and grace and the promises and blessings He has bestowed on His beloved children, All Because of Jesus.
- 2023-02-18Update date
- Android Supported7.0
About Because of Jesus Ministries 6.1.1
What's New in the Latest Version 6.1.1
Last updated on 2023-02-18
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Media improvements
Additional Information
Requires Android
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Same like Because of Jesus Ministries 6.1.1
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