Developer: Ikon media software
Category: Lifestyle
Bible Stories for Children is a Bible stories application for children that is taken from Biblical stories, ranging from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
Available in 2 languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Available stories are:
- When God Made Everything
- The Start of Men's Sadness
- Noah and the Great Flood
- God\s Promise to Abraham
- God Tests Abraham\s Love
- Jacob The Deceiver
- A favorite son becomes a slave
- God honors Joseph the slave
- The Prince From The River
- The Prince Becomes A Sheperd
- Goodbye Pharaoh!
- Forty Years
- Joshua Takes Charge
- Gideon\s Little Army
- Samson, God's Strong Man
- Ruth: A Love Story
- Samuel, God\s Boy - Servant
- The Handsome Foolish King
- David The Sheperd Boy
- David The King (Part 1)
- David The King (Part 2)
- Wise King Solomon
- Good Kings, Bad Kings
- The Man of Fire
- Elisha, Man of Miracles
- Jonah and The Big Fish
- Isaiah Sees The Future
- Jeremiah, Man of Tears
- Ezekiel: Man of Visions
- Beautiful Queen Esther
- Daniel the Captive
- Daniel and the Mystery Dream
- The Men Who Would Not Bend
- Daniel and The Lions\ Den
- The Great Wall of Nehemiah
- The Birth of Jesus English
- A Terrible Time for Jesus
- A Man Sent From God
- Jesus Chooses 12 Helpers
- The Miracles of Jesus
- A Temple Leader Visits Jesus
- Jesus the Great Teacher
- The Farmer and the Seed
- Rich Man Poor Man
- The Prodigal Son
- The Good Samaritan
- The Woman at the Well
- Jesus Stills the Stormy Sea
- The Girl Who Lived Twice
- Jesus Heals the Blind
- Jesus Feeds 5000 People
- Jesus and Lazarus
- Jesus and Zaccheus
- The First Easter
God bless you.