bubblr news provides breaking news from multiple trusted sources and it is completely anonymous and secure.
- We do not capture user data; there is no registration either with ourselves or anyone else. Your data can not be exploited as we don’t know who you are.
- Our app is free to use and it’s not supported by advertising.
- Unlike many single source mainstream news apps, we provide breaking news from multiple trusted sources, giving you greater news coverage.
- If you don’t like any of the news sources we use, you can easily block them or unblock them if you change your mind.
- As well as selecting from popular search topics in the app, you can also add your own niche search topic that you are interested in be it “Electric vehicles” or “Samba dancing”
- You don’t have to be online to view news stories. You can save stories for offline viewing when you have no signal or your mobile is in flight mode. Perfect for when you are on the underground or subway.
- If you choose to, bubblr news can send you notifications when the news you are interested in breaks.
- Whilst we use your device ID for personalisation and notifications, this can't be linked back to user details
- UX/UI improvements
- minor bug fixes