Calculator Lock can help you hide your photos, videos, and contacts, making your phone more secure and private. When you choose to hide videos, photos, and contacts, they will be in your device Hidden in the vault. In addition to your own use of a specific password, no one can view these files, very secure.
Calculator Lock helps you complete your Android devices, and easily hide the files you don\t want others to see on your Android devices.
Salient features
Excellent camouflage appearance
Excellent camouflage character, the appearance is a normal calculator, except that no one knows its true role.
️Powerful security
Powerful security features do not cause any disclosure of any of your data.
Protect private photos and videos
The Calculator Lock app can secretly hide private pictures and videos to lock the private picture video, and no one knows the secrets of your Android device to protect your secret videos from snooping.
Private note
In Calculator Lock, you can write your private mood or other notes as you wish, don't worry about being embarrassed.
Lock contacts
Use the Calculator Lock to easily lock your own unique contacts, and return the secure private mobile phone to yourself
Have trouble? if you encounter any problems with Calculator Lock, please feel free to contact us
Calculator Lock does not copy or store any files hidden and is only saved and hidden locally.
- 2022-07-21Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About Calculator Lock -Photo & Video 1.1.8
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.8
Last updated on 2022-07-21
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
Same like Calculator Lock -Photo & Video 1.1.8
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