To access the service, go to CheckOffice - Electronic checklist service. Transfer paper checklists to electronic format! The service is intended for: - Performing audits (checks); - Fixing violations and monitoring the elimination of deviations; - Automation of work with checklists in the company; - Automation of work of mystery shoppers, video monitoring groups; - Automation of photo reports; - Task management; - Work with contractors; The service is used in their work by mobile phone shops, grocery stores, bars, restaurants, gas stations, auto stores, shopping centers, pharmacies, etc. On the web version of the service, you can: - Create checklists in a convenient (Drag and drop) constructor; - Customize the structure of the organization; - Appoint inspections (audits) and control their implementation; - Plan visits (audits); - View reports with photos from the scene; - Read comments; - Manage tasks and monitor their implementation; - Manage contractors, automatically notify of violations; - Receive e-mail notifications at the time of completion of the check (audit); - Generate reports on branches, groups, settlements; - View reports on the map; - Manage users and their rights in the service; The CheckOffice application is an integral part of the CheckOffice electronic checklist service and serves as a data collection tool: - Photos - Comments - Geolocation - Audio notes - Barcode scanning The application is ideal for field inspections (audits), and CheckOffice can work without the Internet (offline).
- 2022-08-08Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About CheckOffice 1.2.30
What's New in the Latest Version 1.2.30
Last updated on 2022-08-08
-К пунктам чеклиста и задачам теперь можно добавлять документы MS Office и PDF.
-Поддержана возможность включить запрет на сохранение фото в памяти устройства.
-Поддержано ограничение права на делегирование и продление срока проверки.
-Поддержана отмена обязательности геопозиции (настраивается в шаблоне чеклиста).
-Введение домена при логине теперь необязательно. Система сама распознает Ваш домен, а при наличии нескольких учётных записей в разных доменах - предложит выбор.
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Requires Android
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