This app provides a full list of commands for Siri, voice assistant by Apple. The commands are divided into categories: Basic. Device\s settings. Music and Radio. Calculator. Facts. Weather. Calendar. Timer and Alarm. Notes and Reminders. News. Navigation. Driving. Translations. Calls and Messages. Apps. Smart Home. Easter Eggs. These quick commands will help you in various aspects of life. This \Commands for Siri\ app does NOT have a built-in Siri voice assistant itself. But you can use shown commands on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, CarPlay, and HomePod and mini smart speakers. You can ask Siri to play music, start games, get directions, search for useful information, control your smart home system and Apple HomeKit-enabled devices. Using of Apple\s assistant Siri is free. Your device with Siri must be connected to the Internet. We are constantly monitoring new commands for Siri and trying to add them to the Commands for Siri app quickly. If you have any questions or some suggestions for new commands for Siri, write us by mail 5-star rating is the best support from you for the app. This \Commands for Siri\ app is NOT created by Apple (NOT affiliated with Apple).
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