Collection of crosswords without the Internet, puzzles for every day. Spend time with the benefit of the mind, check your erudition, and find out all the questions and answers. Play for fun and without limits: you can start solving any crossword puzzle and use an unlimited number of clues.
strong>Why choose our crossword puzzles:
- new crosswords that are formed by our team;
- hard and easy mode due to keyboard type selection;
- you can play without the internet in the offline game;
- huge database of questions;
- convenient guessing process;
- unlimited free hints;
- online ranking of players;
- optimized for all screen sizes and device types.
Game Features:
- 7500 unique questions;
- 410 crosswords. We will also constantly update the database with new questions;
- sections of the game: main, additional, and crossword of the day;
- full keyboard and simplified;
- playing field size 12 by 12;
- enlarge the crossword puzzle with gestures so that questions can be better seen.
Player ratings.
The game has online ratings of players. The first rating by the number of solved crossword puzzles. The second rating is based on the time of guessing the crossword. Rating is formed by players, who that are active during the last seven days. Levels that have been solved using no more than two clues participate in the ratings. In the rating settings, you can set an avatar by linking a social network. You can also change the default name to your own there.
The game is suitable for the whole family. It contains ads. If you have any questions, you can contact us by mail, through social networks, or directly in the application through the \Contact us\ section...
We wish you a pleasant time with our game \Crossword: Grand collection\!
- 2022-03-16Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About Crossword: Grand collection 2.1
What's New in the Latest Version 2.1
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
Same like Crossword: Grand collection 2.1
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