Download Dolcenanna 1.2.0 Apk for android

Download Dolcenanna 1.2.0 Apk for android

Developer:  Alma giorgis

Category:   Education

Dolcenanna helps you track your baby's sleep during the day and at night: through an event recording system, you can obtain a baby sleep diary with Dolcenanna and learn how to understand it to improve your baby's sleep cycle.
* Create a profile of your child and its biological characteristics to get targeted advice;
* Track your child's day events and sleep;
* View charts and data on your baby's sleep with Dolcenanna;
* Get advice and learn to interpret your baby's sleep cycle with Dolcenanna
Enter the largest community of mothers and freely share and compare your data with other mothers.

Dolcenanna 1.2.0 Specifications

  • Version: 1.2.0
  • Requires: Android : 5.0
  • Package Name: :
  • Whats New: - possibilità di analisi del diario del sonno da parte di Alma, puericultrice esperta di sonno infantile - contatto diretto con pediatra e puericultrice per consulenze personalizzate - accesso diretto alla piattaforma in abbonamento “Nonsolonanna” dedicata al sonno e alla puericultura
  • Updated: 2022-11-04
  • File size: : -
  • Ratting : -
  • Price: Free

Dolcenanna 1.2.0 Screenshots