Start the pursuit!
Dangerous robots were accidentally activated and escaped from a military base. To save the world from destruction, you have to eliminate them all. Action becomes faster minute by minute. Enter the game, catch the robots and speed-up with every second!
Stay vigilant!
Many unexpected and dangerous levels are waiting for you, but don’t worry! To avoid obstacles you can run, fly, swim, climb, jump and slide. Don’t forget to collect coins and flashing neon lights, for which you can buy special boosters that will help you finish the mission.
The City of the Future will surprise you with its dynamics – the overwhelming speed of the vehicles flying around you won’t let you stop! To catch the robots, you have to attune to the urban rhythm. Be careful, robots in the city drop dangerous bombs!
The Sewerage will let you dive in extremely different world - full of sludge and waste. Avoid crocodiles, mines and bats! Underground robots throw sharp saws on you, so watch your fingers!
The Factory is the final and the most difficult chapter. Full of flames, pipes and moving machines. Your opponents will use rockets here, so you need to employ all your skills! Don’t fall behind and also treat the robots with a couple of homing missiles!
Unlock next locations!
Along the adventure, you have to catch 46 robots in three different worlds! Watch out! They have different weapons and will use them to stop you.
Special Levels
You want more? There are additional levels for the best players, based mostly on special skills. Finish each of the three game chapters to unlock them.
Start the pursuit and Get the Robots!
Brand new UI in main menu, which is much more easy to use.
Lots of improvements in booster system. A more comfortable activation panel has been added.