⭐️ Manage & check in guests from any device
Search & manage tens of thousands of guests by name, guest list and custom fields at impressive speeds and ease of use.
All your devices are automatically kept up to date, and guests can even be checked in when in offline mode.
⭐️ Add, import & export
Add guests from excel, text files or just copy/paste, complete with duplicate checking and previews.
Invite guests to add themselves by sending them links.
Download the full list of guests, or filter on things like just the checked in ones at any time during or after the event.
⭐️ Analytics
See how many guests you and your staff have added, invited and checked in.
Group by user, guest list or both and export to excel & csv.
Updates in real time so you can keep it open to continuously see how things are going.
⭐️ Permissions
Specify what each user is allowed to do.
You could for example limit promoters to only be able to add and see their own guests and door hosts to just check in guests.
You can also limit the amount of guests a user can add, and when.
⭐️ Dark mode
Don't get blinded by your guest list app.
Designed to save battery power on devices with OLED displays.
Turns on automatically.
⭐️ Offline mode
Checking guests in works even if you go offline due to an unreliable internet connection.
Bug fixes