Happy5 Culture is only available to registered company and you need a work email account to use it.
Let us know is your company is interested to use Happy5 Culture, contact us at [email protected]
What Happy5 Culture could do
** For Company **
Bring Clarity to Company Values : Communicate your company values at scale with picture , interesting article & other relevant messages to make it strongly resonated with everyone
Reinforce Company Values through Real-Time Recognition : Celebrate employee when their actions embody company values
Measure Demonstrated Values in Real Time : Measure your culture value embodiment based on actual facts & instant surveys
Real-time Mode Announcement & Listening Channel at Scale : It serves as announcement channel as well as listening channel within the company
**For employee**
Stay Updated :
Read the latest company news and see what’s happening across all of your teams and projects.
Instant Recognition : Make someone happy by giving timely recognition for your colleagues’ great work.
Crowdsourcing Idea : Share your ideas & thoughts to inspire others or ask ideas from them, you never know where big ideas come from.
Reach out your colleagues instantly : Search, locate and contact your colleagues across town or even around the world within seconds.
Share Feeling with Privacy :Share your daily feeling to those who matter the most