Husamul Haramain (Ḥusām al-Haramayn) or Husam al Harmain (The Sword of the Two Holy Mosques) 1906, is a treatise written by Ahmad Raza Khan (1856- 1921) which declared the founders of Deobandi, Ahle Hadith and Ahmadiyya movement as heretics.
In 1905, Khan performed the pilgrimage to holy sites in the Hijaz. During this period, he prepared a draft document entitled \Al Mohamad Al Mustanad\ (The Reliable Proofs) in which he argued against the opinions of the founders of Deobandi, Ahle Hadith, and the Ahmadiyya movement for presentation to his contemporaries in Mecca and Medina. Khan collected the scholarly
opinions of thirty-three fellow scholars\ verdicts. All of them concurred with his assertion that the founders of the Deobandi, Qadiyani and Ahle Hadith movements were apostates and blasphemers. They also exhorted the government of British India to execute the founders of those movements for heresy
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Last updated on 2022-08-01
Husamul Haramain حسام الحرمین
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