war The name of an inevitable reality of world territory. The foundation on which stands the world's civilization, order and governance. No matter how pacific and tolerant a man may be, one day he must take up the banner of war; He may or may not have little interest in it.
If the opponent destroys his honor and his religion, tries to harm his faith or tries to take away his dignity - then sitting idly by or avoiding such unwanted actions of the opponent, cannot in any way be a sign of good and noble character for anyone.
The glorious past of Muslims stands high in the history of the world; A proud heritage. If we throw light on the war history of the Muslims, we can see how well-known their steely thinking, masterful tactics, far-reaching plans, newly invented weapons and war implements are on the battlefield.
Irrespective of Muslims and non-Muslims, it is necessary for everyone to know the glorious past history of Islam. But it is a sad fact that, with the change of era, Muslims today have shown a lot of indifference towards history along with other religious affiliations. To determine the period of indifference, even 'a few years cannot be given pause, rather it has to be said - 'a few centuries. Yes, the last few centuries have witnessed our unbridled indifference to Islamic history. As an inevitable result, Many 'history-thieves' of the East and West have entered the alleys of our tradition. They have made the eternal beautiful history of Islam a game. The reality of the eternal past of the Muslims as per their own mind has changed the ever-beautiful flowers into painful thorns. The book 'War in the History of Islam: From the Prophet's Age to the Present' is a pathetic attempt to save the generation of a weak but conscious believing man to meet this need of the Ummah. The book is valuable for the fact that it is an unimpeachable compendium of the unique shining functional chapters of Islamic history.
- 2022-12-30Update date
- Android Supported5.0
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Last updated on 2022-12-30
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