JustPro Jobs is JustPro\s partner app made for Job Seekers and Freelancers.
If you are looking for a job, you can download JustPro Jobs to create a rich profile that allows you to be connected to employers using the JustPro Talent Scout Feature on the JustPro main app.
JustPro Jobs allows you to switch between freelancing and seeking full-time jobs with a single click of the button so that while you wait for the big career move, you can keep busy doing freelancing jobs.
Job Seekers can now build a rich and compelling profile, add their CV, add their job skills, and automatically show up under that job skill or multiple jobs - so that they can be easily connected to employers seeking for staff in any of those job skills.
Employers can book you for an interview using your calendar which allows you the flexibility to take as many interviews as you can within a day. You will get instant notifications of interview bookings right on your mobile phone.
JustPro Plus also provides you the flexibility to view your appointments, modify your appointments and contact your employers directly.
JustPro Plus is the perfect solution for job seekers, it puts you ahead and saves you time from applying for multiple jobs on end.
The JustPro plus rating system allows you to get feedback from your employers and such feedback is shared with future employers so that they can understand your strengths from your previous employer.
The best part, if you are qualified to work as an accountant, a secretary, a nurse or as many job skills you are qualified to work under, you can add those skills to your profile, and employers seeking staff in any of those skill categories will be able to find you.
JustPro Plus gives you the power to find jobs like a pro.
- 2023-02-14Update date
- Android Supported5.1
About JustPro Jobseeker 2.9
What's New in the Latest Version 2.9
Last updated on 2023-02-14
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Requires Android
App ID
Same like JustPro Jobseeker 2.9
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