Developer: Rappsody
Category: Lifestyle
This application contains an Elementary School Student Book Theme 2 Playing in My Environment Class 2 2013 Curriculum. This application is made for students to make it easier to learn subject matter anytime and anywhere.
The 2013 BSE curriculum is a free school book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) and can be distributed to the general public free of charge.
Some of the features in this application include:
1. Automatic page play.
2. Zoom In & Zoom Out
3. Responsive display.
4. Marking Specific Pages
5. Page Search.
6. Table of Contents.
7. Page Thumbnails.
The material discussed is in accordance with the subject matter of Theme 2 SD Class II K13
Sub-theme 1: Playing in the Home Environment
Sub-theme 2: Playing at Friends' Houses
Sub-theme 3: Playing in the School Environment
Sub-theme 4: Playing in Tourist Attractions