Hi handyman!
Rent your tools now 24/7!
We are your tool cellar that really has everything. With us, every creative person, doer, and do-it-yourselfer gets exactly the professional tool they need. Simply by app, around the clock - and billed to the minute. So you don't just implement your ideas in a jiffy. You also save a lot of money, and space and promote the responsible use of resources. Good idea? Then into the tool pool – and get to work. You will find everything you need in ten different categories.
How does it work?
Very easily.
- Download the kurtas app to your smartphone and log in
- Check online which tools are available at a station near you
- Reserve tools and pick them up from the station 24/7
- Open the station with your smartphone and start your project
- As soon as you have returned everything, you will receive the invoice: by email - and with the cheapest tariff for you,
your kurtas team
- 2022-11-04Update date
- Android Supported7.0
About kurts 3.4.2
What's New in the Latest Version 3.4.2
Last updated on 2022-11-04
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
Same like kurts 3.4.2
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