An alternative smart home control application based on the MajorDoMo platform that allows you to display ready-made scenes based on HTML or any other HTML sites.
The main differences from the official MajorDroid application:
- support for any number of MajorDomo servers
- the ability to scale scenes manually or to fit the device screen
- a more convenient full-screen mode
- no floating buttons on top of the scenes blocking objects
- updating pages (scenes) with the usual swipe down
- smart screen widgets, able to take action
- MQTT support
You can learn more about the MajorDomo platform on the official website
Application page on the forum with a more detailed description:
There is also a guide to widgets.
About мой MjDM 1.5.6 (build 9)
What's New in the Latest Version 1.5.6 (build 9)
Last updated on 2022-06-14
в Настройки приложения добавлена функция глобального отключения отображения кнопок Настроек на всех виджетах ("шестеренок"), дабы иметь возможность исключить случайное нажатие на них
Same like мой MjDM 1.5.6 (build 9)
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