Developer: Chenflyingkite, chien-chih chen
Category: Puzzle
MyTosWiki is born when a mathematician plays Tower of Savior.
MyTosWiki provides cards gallery, miscellaneous computation systems of games.
Card information is fetched and rearranged from web page and author himself. ^_^
Our data source, Tower of Saviors Wiki, contains abundant cards and stages content.
Let us appreciate those Summoners major update web:
Traditional Chinese : BrockF5, Btoky, Hugochau, Towerofsaviors, Wingwing007
English : JoetjeF, Lycentia, RaccoonKun, Wingwing007, Towerofsaviors, Btoky
Data source web pages :
Traditional Chinese神魔之塔_繁中維基
增加卡片 : #2460 ,#2461 傲慢之罪 ‧ 艾斯卡諾,#2466 安息 ‧ 葛羅基西尼亞,#2467 信仰 ‧ 梅拉斯丘拉
更新卡片 : 眾多卡片敘述更新~ (額外combo系列)
主功能面 : 新增新系列抽卡
新增功能 : )
更新功能 : )
修正程式錯誤 : )