With Nyhedskiosken you have all Jysk Fynske Medier's daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and magazines in one place. A total of 13 daily newspapers, 68 weekly newspapers and many exciting magazines.
Here you will find your local daily newspaper with both local news and important news from home and abroad. Here you will also find your nearest weekly newspapers with good offers and a good reflection of local life. The good magazines with inspiring articles on everything from interior design to your next car.
In Nyhedskiosken you can also visit the websites of the various daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. You can see the latest videos from the various newsrooms around the country and go in-depth through the archive search.
The daily newspapers require a subscription. All the weekly newspapers are free. The same applies to selected supplements and magazines.
Dagbladet Holstebro, Dagbladet Ringkøbing-Skjern, Dagbladet Struer, Folkebladet Lemvig, Fredericia Dagblad, Fyens Stiftstidende, Fyns Amts Avis, Horsens Folkeblad, JydskeVestkysten, Randers Amtsavis, Vejle Amts Folkeblad, Viborg Stifts Folkeblad, Århus Stiftstidende
Weekly newspapers
Aabenraa Ugeavis, Billund Ugeavis, Bovbladet, Bræstrup Avis, Dalum-Hjallese Avis, Den Lille Avis, Digeposten, Egtved Posten, Elbobladet, Give Avis, Haderslev Ugeavis, Hedensted Avis, Horsens Posten, Jelling Ugeavis, Kerteminde Ugeavis, Kolding Ugeavis, Local newspaper Assens , LokalAvisen Nordvest, LokalAvisen Nyborg, Melfar Posten, MidtfynsPosten, Midtjysk Ugeavis, Ny Tirsdag, Odder Avis, OnsdagsAvisen, SkibhusAvisen, Skærbæk Avis, Sønderborg Ugeavis, Trekantens Folkeblad, Tørring Folkeblad, Ugeavisen Ansager-Helle, Ugeavisen Bramming, Ugeavisen Esbjerg, Ugeavisen Faaborg , Ugeavisen Midtsyd, Ugeavisen Nordfyn, Ugeavisen Odense, Ugeavisen Ribe, Ugeavisen Svendborg, Ugeavisen Tistrup-Ølgod, Ugeavisen Tønder, Ugeavisen Varde, Ugeavisen Vejen-Brørup-Holsted, Ugeavisen Vejle, Ugeavisen Øboen, Vesterhavsposten, Holstebro Onsdag, Local newspaper Lemvig,Mariager Avis, Randers Onsdag, Ugeavisen Møldrup-Aalestrup, Ugeavisen Ringkøbing, Ugeavisen Struer, Ugeposten Skjern, Viborg Nyt, Vinderup Avis
Magazines and supplements
Business Syd, Business Fyn, Erhverv+, ErhvervDanmark, Erhvervsavisen Fyn, InHorsens, InVejle, InLillebælt, InKolding, Pindle Odense, Vestehavsturist, Bil & Bolig, Gul & Gratis
The news kiosk is continuously being expanded with more publications.
Prices and access
As a fully paid subscriber or e-newspaper/digital customer of one of the 13 daily newspapers published by Jysk Fynske Medier P/S, you have access to your newspaper on your smartphone and tablet through the Newsstand.
If you are not already a subscriber, you can buy today's newspaper for DKK 16 or DKK 25 or a monthly subscription through Google Play.