The story begins on June 25th, 1991. Play as Ami Madison, professional translator and rookie agent in a secret organization known to the world as OP9. When asked to leave your desk job and join six advanced recruits on a dangerous mission into the Soviet Union, will you accept?
This is a demo release that includes character art and the beginning of the story. The full version will be released early 2020 and includes:
-8+ hours of play
-10+ possible endings
-New characters
-The choice to save or betray your team
Contributors: JoyfullyDrawing, sora592, Lauren Smyth, Audrey Henry, wordsasamedium
Demo of OP9 including character art + full GUI.
- 2020-02-16Update date
- Android SupportedAndroid 5.0+
About OP9 Official Demo 1.3.0 APK For Android
What's New in the Latest Version 1.3.0
Last updated on 2020-02-16
Additional Information
Requires Android
Android 5.0+
App ID