Developer: Paktor pte. ltd.
Category: Lifestyle
The most popular dating app in Asia, looking for new singles has never been this fun and easy!
> Completely FREE to swipe, like, connect and chat with your mutual matches
> Absolutely safe and confidential, like people around you anonymously
> Simple and fuss-free: match across borders and let us take care of any language barriers
> NEW voice bio function, 'Spoken', that allows users to record a 15-second voice introduction to people viewing their profile
Enhance Paktor's experience with Premium Subscription:
> Unlock advanced filters to find perfect matches: job, education, height and countries/distances
> View suggested profiles increase your chances of matching
> Receive daily Paktor points to send gifts and direct messages
We ask this permission to access the gallery so that the users can update their profile with their nice existing photos.
We cache the other user's photos in the external storage after the first load from the network in order to retrieve it faster next time. And also, this saves the network usage for the user.
We would like to use your current location to customize your experience and connect you to interesting people nearby.
When we ask for your camera and photos access, we want to help you create a perfect dating profile on Paktor.
We would like to access your phone country code as an ease of use for phone login.
Bug Fixes - We smashed several bugs and pumped the performance up to provide a silky smooth Paktor experience.