Developer: Penta desarrollo móvil
Category: Entreprise
Control your sales and connect with your customer's thanks to our Marketplace.
With Pilos you will be able to control the sales and distribution system of your company. Due to its flexibility, Pilos adapts to various work modes: sales, pre-sales, delivery, telemarketing, and online store.
With Pilos you can achieve the following:
Eliminate missing inventory and money
Make clear accounts, money, collections, and well-controlled credits
Ensure compliance with visits/agenda, keep your customers
Monitor remotely and instantly the results of your vendors
Eliminate ant theft
Locate your vendors in real-time /deliverers
Obtain great savings in fuel, paper, and execution times
Easily measure your sales results, don't waste time in Excel
...and much more!
Download Pilos and start controlling and growing your business today.
Online store
Pilos supports local commerce.
With Pilos you create your online store so that your customers in your community can see your products and place orders.
Pilos helps you throughout the process to control all your deliveries effectively.