PrintSmash is an application, that enables to print of photos and PDF files stored on Android devices and saves scanned data, on a SHARP multi-functional copier installed in convenience stores, by utilizing Wi-Fi communications.
Main Specification
- Supported file format
PDF file which is encrypted and/or set password is not supported.
- Registerable number of files
JPEG, PNG: 50 in total
PDF: 20
* For PDF files, each file needs to be less than 200 pages.
* When the pages of the uploaded file are more than the number of printable pages, you can select the range of pages to be printed at the operation of a Multi-Function Copier to print them all in several batches.
- Transmittable file size
Less than 30MB for 1 file
Less than 100MB in total when transmitting multiple files
- Supported file format
- Receivable number of files
JPEG: 20 in total
PDF: 1
* The scanned data may become big depending on the settings. Please pay attention to the remaining space for storage.
* When you uninstall PrintSmash, all the saved scanned data are deleted together. If you want to copy them in other apps, you can use [Share] to do that.
- 2022-10-18Update date
- Android Supported8.0
About PrintSmash
What's New in the Latest Version
Last updated on 2022-10-18
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
Same like PrintSmash
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