What is the Freelance Promoter?
http://www.promotorfreelance.com.br is a platform that connects job opportunities to those looking for them, in a simple and quick way.
First, the company registers the available Opportunities in the application, with the activities and the amount it intends to pay.
Afterward, the promoter accesses the application, chooses the opportunity he wants, and applies for it.
After being approved, he performs the service and receives it directly in his bank account, safely and without bureaucracy!
For promoters, it's an easy way to find job opportunities.
For companies, it is time-saving and agility in the execution of services, without an employment relationship.
To register, you only need to register as an MEI (Micro Entrepreneur Individual), which can be done on the entrepreneur's portal at http://www.portaldoempreendedor.gov.br/
- 2022-11-08Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About Promotor Freelance 1.7.4
What's New in the Latest Version 1.7.4
Last updated on 2022-11-08
Correção do raio de busca de oportunidades.
Additional Information
Requires Android
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Same like Promotor Freelance 1.7.4
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