How do I make difficult decisions easy? Can my thoughts and feelings be good guides? These questions and many more meet the facets of your personality in the Quii app. With Quii you will find the way to self-knowledge and self-development. It's about your personality and your behavior. And with it your professional success and private fulfillment. With the Quii app you have free access to scientific personality tests and professional articles. Find out for yourself how you can use your personal strengths for work and everyday life. where are you in life The Quii app will help you with this. Active personality development helps you when choosing a career, changing courses or developing your communication skills - why? Only if you know yourself well can you describe how your personal happiness and success are composed and work on them. science and transparency Quii only uses established and scientifically based test procedures that help you to discover your personality and your individual potential. In order to be able to offer you a reliable and meaningful result, our tests are checked and evaluated according to current scientific standards. At Quii, in cooperation with experts, we select suitable test procedures and develop them further for your needs. The focus is on the reliability and accuracy of the processes we select. In order to live up to this claim, we only use test methods that have been verified in extensive research studies. The high quality of the Quii tests therefore gives you real access to your personality structure, your strengths and individual potential. We stand out from dubious online tests We meet high scientific standards (quality criteria) Each test is subjected to an intensive examination before it appears on the platform Developed by experts/ psychologists