Do you want to eliminate the reactive behavior of your beloved dog?
Try the Redog.
It is a dog reactive behavior digital tracker for people who wants to have a calm dog by discovering patterns and learning from the experts in the field.
1. discover patterns
Select your goals, track reactive activity, and explore similarities.
2. track improvement
By tracking each reactive activity and achievement towards your goal, you can easily see if you are improving over some time or if you should apply different methods.
3. learn from canis professionals
The most valuable information in a single place from valued people from the canis field. Such as learning to read body language, the science of stress, working with the leash, behavior adjustment training and many more.
- 2022-08-04Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About Redog: Help Reactive Dog 1.1.0
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.0
Last updated on 2022-08-04
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
Same like Redog: Help Reactive Dog 1.1.0
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