Get daily updates from hanuman junction location and nearby villages of hanuman junction.
☞ATM Status
☞Daily NEWS
☞Merchant/Workers details
☞Jobs in Hanuman junction & surrounding areas
☞And much more
Smart Junction 3.3.2 Specifications
- Version: 3.3.2
- Requires: Android : 5.0
- Package Name: : com.zsus.starjunction
- Whats New: * Provided search bar for shop name search
* Hanuman junction and surrounding merchant/workers details page provided. Now users can check desired things through app
* Local Jobs details page provided for Hanuman junction and surrounding un employees
* Hanuman Junction ATM status introduced Now users can check directly,
which ATM is working through app
* Navigate directly to news page when click on notification
* App performance improved by cache management
* Bugs are rectified and crash free
- Updated: 2023-07-11
- File size: : -
- Ratting : -
- Price: Free