Sourate Kahf Lire et Ecouter 8.0

Dorular inc.

About Sourate Kahf Lire et Ecouter 8.0

Surah Al Kahf is a Meccan surah.
It consists of 110 verses. Its rank in the order of the Quran is number 18. In the order of revelation, it ranks 69.

Surat Al Kahf recounts four historical accounts rich in lessons. First, it refers to a group of young people who were hunted down by a tyrannical king because they believed in the oneness of Allah. Persecuted for their faith, they fled and hid in a cave where they slept without waking up for 309 years. When they woke up, to their surprise, they did not think they had slept so much, they found their environment changed and the inhabitants had all become believers.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam) said: "Whoever recites sura Al Kahf on Friday will benefit from (divine) illumination until the following Friday"
Reported by al-Hakim and al Bayhaqî. It is declared authentic by Shaykh al-Albanî in Sahîh al-Djami
“Whoever recites Surah Al Kahf (the Cave) on Friday, a light will shine under his feet and will extend to the top of the sky, illuminating it on the Day of Judgment, and he will be forgiven for the sins committed between two Fridays." (Al-Mondhiri in Al-Targhiib wal Tarhiib and Abu Bakr Ibn Mardawey from a Hassan chain of transmission).

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Last updated on 2023-01-17

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