Create your own sticker packs from WhatsApp. You can use memes, or your own photos, any photo from your phone will work,
Make Sticker packs for pet, your girlfriend, your family, your friends in 4 easy steps.
1. Select name for your pack
2. Add the stickers to the pack, cut them with your finger.
3. Publish the Sticker pack
Please note: If you can't add the stickers to WhatsApp, it means you haven't received the latest update. You can wait for the update to come via google play, or update via the website of WhatsApp.
This is experimental, so let me know what you think and what I should change.
* Removed 20 sticker pack limitation!
* Make as many sticker packs as you want!
* Fixed import/export functionality.
* Fixed GBWA.
* Fixed Meizu bug.
* Added 'about' page with more information.