Groupe Futurs Médias (GFM) was founded in 2003 by Youssou NDOUR to “bring more to the media space in Senegal”. Eleven years later, under the direction of the duo Mamadou Ibra KANE and Birane NDOUR, respectively Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director, Futurs Médias is not only the leading press group in the country, or even in West Africa, but also the largest employer in the private media sector, with 500 employees working at Radio Futurs Médias (RFM), the group's first medium created in 2002, the daily newspaper L'Observateur created a year after RFM, the television channel Futurs Médias (TFM) , authorized to broadcast in 2010, Roto Futurs Médias and finally the website for general and sectoral information:, launched in September 2013. FOR ANY COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS OR COMPLAINTS, CONTACT THE CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE FUTURS MEDIAS GROUP ON 33 869 91 83 OR BY EMAIL AT: You can find all your shows in replay on: