Category: Libraries & demo
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Thai layouts and dictionary for AnySoftKeyboard keyboard app.This is an expansion layouts pack for AnySoftKeyboard.Install AnySoftKeyboard first, and then select the desired layout from AnySoftKeyboard\s Settings->Keyboards menu.
부동산114 4.0.8
Домофон 2.0 3.62.2
Carrier Home 1.8.7
中央氣象署W - 生活氣象 5.8.2
ActiveBuilding 5.0.32 (1733301473)
Planta - Aimez vos plantes 2.24.1
SEITHI Mediacorp 2.2.8
Rencity: Thuê phòng trọ căn hộ 1.3.5
100室內設計-實用靈感,找到家的裝修答案 6.6.4
Enregistreur Vocal: Dictaphone