Welcome to The King\s Temple church app! As a member of our church, this app is your go-to source for all things related to our church.
Here, you'll find information on upcoming events, access to sermons, and the ability to connect with your community.
Our app also includes a calendar of events to help you stay informed and connected.
In addition to these features, our app helps you to request church services.
But that's not all - our app also makes it easy for you to give tithes and offerings, and provides information on how to get involved in various church ministries and service opportunities.
With the church app, you can stay connected and engaged with our church community anytime, anywhere. Download it today and experience the convenience and connection of the church app!
Please feel free to share your valuable feedback at app@tktchurch.com, If you enjoy using the app - do give us a 5 Star rating!
- 2023-02-23Update date
- Android Supported5.0
About TKT Church 1.9.1
What's New in the Latest Version 1.9.1
Last updated on 2023-02-23
Jesus for everyone & everywhere
We strongly believe that at TKT, hence we have launched access for International users.
International users sign up by phone number or WhatsApp & users can Give through the app.
Not just that we solved a few UI issues, major bugs and revamped our entire explore screen.
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
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