Hijri Calendar 1443 with all fully information of the dates of the months and dates of the date.
Urdu Calendar 2023 New ( Islamic )- 2023 is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days.
Hijri Islamic calendar also has details of months like Muharram, Safar, Rabiul-Awwal, Rabi-uthani, Jumadi-ul-Awwal, Jumadi-than, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Zhul-Q'ada, Zhul-Hijja.
Features of Urdu Calendar 2023
Free Urdu Calendar 2023 Offline app consists of details for the entire year 2023 with daily and monthly views.
Simple and easy UI to use every day - Highly useful for all age people.
Zoom to view the calendar details with a high-quality preview with bigger font.
Details of all Islamic festivals, Urdu auspicious days like Ramzan, Eid, Hajj, Umrah, Ashura, Mecca.
Lists Arabic months, Islamic dates, Ramadan calendar, khmer calendar.
Holidays and festivals in Hijri dates of year 2023
Hijjri 1442 Dates
Urs Markings of pious people(Aulia Allah)
Best app for all Muslims and Non-Muslim worldwide
Usefull for English Bangla urdu people
Our team is working hard to bring more features in the next upcoming releases, kindly make sure that your current application is updated with the latest one.
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Urdu Calendar 2023 New ( Islamic )- 2023 will be updated soon.
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