Category: Tools
Boost your website easily with our traffic exchange !
Sign up and get visits to your websites in 3 simple steps :
1) Add your website and configure the settings (time, limit of visits per day, etc...).
2) Surf automatically to member websites with the web viewer and gain points.
3) With these points other members will visit your web sites / blogs / youtube videos in return.
Advantages of Visit Easy :
- Improve SEO
- Completely free
- Ability to add up to 50 websites
- No limit of session (as long as you have a different IP for each web viewer)
- Reduce bounce rate
- Earn 10% point that your referrals earns
Advantage of the mobile application :
- Earn Game Token by watching short advertising videos.
- Uses fewer resources than browsers
Feel free to watch the tutorials if you have a problem.
Join, welcome !
- Add offers : A new way to get game tokens !
- Bug fix