Developer: Romanisch
Category: Lifestyle
The Rumantsch Valader vocabulary trainer is the first and only vocabulary learning program with which you can learn the basic and advanced vocabulary of the Romansh language Rumantsch Valader.
The tutorial covers the most important areas of the language. You will learn words related to travel, entertainment, communication, holidays, sports and games, and many more.
This app is characterized by a tidy and clear user interface and is divided into the main areas of learning, testing, and reference.
• Flashcards enable efficient learning divided into subject areas
• A query mode with subsequent evaluation and additional progress control visualizes areas that still need to be learned
• Extensive reference work with different search variants in both languages
• Marking function for unknown or difficult questions or flashcards
Suitable for all levels: beginners as well as advanced with extensive previous knowledge.
The perfect solution to learn this beautiful, rare Swiss language independently of time and offline.
Important note: The first version of the app is NOT voiced. We're working on the voiceover.
However, it will still be a while before this update is available.
• Over 3,500 words
Main functions:
• learning cards
• query mode
• reference work
• marking function
• progress control
• evaluation
Technical features:
• Optimized for smartphones and tablets
• Can be used without an internet connection
• New learning material available automatically
• New program functions available automatically
About us:
We want to promote the cultural heritage of the region, in particular, to preserve the Romansh language. By purchasing this app, you support the maintenance and development of new apps in the Romansh language. We use all proceeds for the further development of the apps.
Apps for the Romansh language:
• Romontsch Sursilvan pronunciation trainer
• Romontsch Sursilvan vocabulary trainer
• Rumantsch Vallader vocabulary trainer
• Rumantsch Puter vocabulary trainer • Rumantsch
Grischun vocabulary trainer
• Rumantsch Grischun word collection
• Dicziunari Rumantsch Puter (dictionary)
• Dicziunari Rumantsch Vallader (dictionary)
• Romontsch (Gönner- application)
Dialects of the Romansh language:
• Romontsch Sursilvan
• Romontsch Sutsilvan
• Romontsch Puter
• Romontsch Vallader
• Rumantsch Grischun