Current conditions and 7 days weather forecast, hourly weather forecast, tides, alerts and notifications for your current location and any other location in the world.
- No Adds: Clear Weather info - without advertisements!!!
- Local weather forecast and conditions: Weather for your current location
- World weather: Weather forecasts for any place in the world for up to 6 locations
- Hourly forecasts: Hourly temperature timeline, hour by hour weather forecast for 24 - 48 hours
- 7 days forecast: Detailed weather forecasts for the next 7 days, including weather status prediction, highest/lowest temperature, precipitation, wind, pressure, etc.
- Tide forecast: Daily extreme points and hourly detailed tide heights information
- Wind forecast: Hourly wind forecast for the next 7 days that includes wind speed and direction
- Weather details: Current temperature, weather condition, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction, pressure, humidity, visibility, dew point, sunrise and sunset times and more
- Weather graphs: Daily and hourly weather graphs for temperature, wind speed, tides and precipitation
- Weather alerts: Notifications about weather alerts and warnings
- Views customization: choose between detailed or simplified presentation
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Customize anything you need: update interval, language, temperature units, distance units, date and time formats, etc.
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