WOW, Parenting is a companion app for parents, especially for working moms or fathers. We help you deal with your daily parenting challenges and mentor you in raising & nurturing a champion child. We have divided our online parenting course into 5 different elements, this is our SPICE of Parenting:
1. Social Intelligence & social skills of children
2. Performance Intelligence of child in academics & sports
3. Identity: Smartness, self-confidence & decision-making skills
4. Communication Intelligence to make your child listen to you and bond with you
5. Emotional Intelligence: Self-esteem, happiness, anger, fear & sadness
6. And lots more bonus content for your specific parenting situations
We do not provide support/help for pregnancy, health or psychological issues or child & infant health/nutrition-related issues.
The WOW Parenting Impact on Parents, Teachers & Children of India:
- We have helped over 23,000+ Parents.
- Transformed Lives of about 1 Lakh Children.
- Trained over 1000 teachers in over 300 Schools.
Wondering if the parenting course app is right for you?
You should join if you are a parent:
- Who has kids in the age group of 3 years to 16 years
- Who is a working parent and doesn’t get to spend much quality time with your children?
- Who is busy and struggling to find time and bond with their children?
- Who is concerned about the upbringing and future of your child?
- Who is a divorced parent or a single parent of a child?
- Who needs help in dealing with daily parenting challenges like child’s discipline, study & performance, etc.
Here is how WOW Parenting App can help you with your challenges in Parenting:
Our parenting course is structured to help you develop parenting skills that help the child through different phases of their life from 3-7, 8-12, 13-16 age groups.
WOW Parenting app offers parenting videos, parenting MCQs (scenario-based parenting), blogs, parenting tips, insights from parenting experts, engaging parenting communities and 1 on 1 QnA with experts.
Key Features of the best parenting app of India - WOW Parenting:
• Expert Guidance: Get a response to all your queries pertaining to parenting and bonding from our Expert Panel comprising of Psychiatrists, Authors, School Principals & Celebrities.
• Parents Community: Learn from the experience of other verified parents facing similar problems, talk to them, interact, share bonds & grow.
• Parenting Videos: Get access to Over 100 + Videos that help you in developing your parenting skills, deal with children, and grow as a Parent via Do\s & Don\ts, Tips, Case Studies, etc.
• A Scientific & Intuitive Parenting App: WOW Parenting is structured and designed to address the parenting needs & challenges scientifically via intuitive learning, based on the input of our Parenting Expert Narendra Goidani and of the WOW Parenting Community.
• Curated Content: WOW Parenting creates & curates content from the web in various formats like parenting blogs, assessments, parenting quizzes, etc. tailored for your Indian Parenting requirements.
• Parenting Scenarios (MCQs / Use Cases ): WOW Parenting offers unique parenting use cases and MCQs to help you deal with daily parenting life. Parents can learn from the experience of other parents facing similar problems, get relevant solutions from Naren, that are smart and personalized to their unique parenting situation.
Join the #1 Indian parenting course that works for you. What we promise you is that your parenting skills will improve tremendously because it is as much about you, as it is about your child. This course contains information that every parent should know which in turn helps them raise awesome kids.
This is a premium course with a lot of FREE parenting-related content for you to explore. Get started today!
- 2022-01-20Update date
- Android Supported4.1
About WOW Parenting - Helping parent 7.3
What's New in the Latest Version 7.3
Last updated on 2022-01-20
Improved user experience
Bug fixes and optimisations
Additional Information
Requires Android
App ID
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