Developer: Lucky fitness
Category: Health & fitness
Yhit-5 Minute Workout provides daily workout routines for all major muscle groups. In just a few minutes a day you can build muscle and stay healthy without having to go to the gym. No equipment or coaching required, all exercises can be done according to your weight.
Yhit-5 Minute Workoute can be used for abdominal, chest, leg, arm and hip training, as well as full body training. The experts have planned all the exercises. None of them needs equipment, so you don't have to go to the gym.
You could easily do it at home or anywhere in just 5 minutes a day. It provides video tutorials for each exercise, so you can be sure to use the correct tables for each exercise. Keep practicing and you will notice a change in just a few weeks.
- Accelerate your training intensity gradually
-Training tips in each exercise can help you use the right form for better results
- Count the calories burned
-Video Guide
- Work reminder
- Practice for everyone, beginners or professionals
Remember to share Yhit-5 Minute Workout with your friends to get the perfect body.