CMで話題! 楽天のフリマアプリ「ラクマ」
【 ラクマのおすすめポイント 】
・全体の90%が、新品~汚れなし!(※1) 商品の状態が気になる方にも安心して購入いただけます。
■スマホでかんたんお小遣い稼ぎ 写真を撮って気軽に出品!
■ 決済方法もたくさん 配送も安心・安全
ACNE(アクネ) / adidas(アディダス) / as know as de base(アズノゥアズドゥバズ) / asos(エイソス) / AQUA SCUTUM(アクアスキュータム) / Balenciaga(バレンシアガ) / celine(セリーヌ) / CHANEL(シャネル) / SEE BY CHLOE(シーバイクロエ) / Christian Louboutin(クリスチャンルブタン) / COACH (コーチ) / COMME des GARCONS(コムデギャルソン) / FENDI(フェンディ) / Furla (フルラ) / Gucci(グッチ) / Hermes (エルメス) / JIMMY CHOO(ジミーチュウ) / kate spade new york(ケイトスペードニューヨーク) / LOEWE(ロエベ) / LOUIS VUITTON(ルイヴィトン) / MARC BY MARC JACOBS(マークバイマークジェイコブス) / MERCURYDUO(マーキュリーデュオ) / Michael Kors(マイケルコース) / miumiu(ミュウミュウ) / MONCLER(モンクレール) / NIKE(ナイキ) / Ralph Lauren(ラルフローレン) / Ron Herman(ロンハーマン) / Saint Laurent(サンローラン) / snidel(スナイデル) / Stella McCartney(ステラマッカートニー) / Supreme(シュプリーム) / STAR JEWELRY(スタージュエリー) / steven alan(スティーブンアラン) / Tory Burch(トリーバーチ) / UGG (アグ) / VALENTINO(ヴァレンティノ) / Victoria's Secret(ヴィクトリアズシークレット) / Vivienne Westwood(ヴィヴィアンウエストウッド) / agnes b (アニエスベー) / BURBERRY(バーバリー) / CANADA GOOSE(カナダグース) / Chloe(クロエ) / CONVERSE(コンバース) / DOLCE&GABBANA(ドルチェ&ガッバーナ) / LONGCHAMP(ロンシャン) / THE NORTH FACE(ザノースフェイス) / NUMBER (N)INE(ナンバーナイン) / PRADA(プラダ) / Reebok(リーボック) / TOMMY HILFIGER(トミー ヒルフィガー) / UNDERCOVER(アンダーカバー) / VANS(ヴァンズ) / Y-3(ワイスリー) / Yohji Yamamoto(ヨウジヤマモト) / UNIQLO(ユニクロ) / ZARA(ザラ) など
(※1) 2018年12月時点自社調査より。
Talk in CM! Rakuten's flea app "Lakuma"
Exceptional sales fee 3.5%
Delivery can be used more safely and safely by anonymous delivery.
[Recommended Points of Lakuma]
■ All genres are on sale! Sales items are also on the rise!
・ Fashion, handmade accessories, games, home appliances, cosmetics, idol goods, cosplay costumes, etc. are also exhibited!
-Out-of-print / out-of-print brands, trends and limited items that are now in vogue can be found at flea prices-can be bought!
・ 90% of the whole is new to no dirt! (※ 1) Can be purchased with confidence for those who are concerned about the condition of the product.
■ Easy earning pocket money earning with a smartphone Take a photo and feel free to exhibit!
・ Items that you no longer use, such as clothes that you no longer wear, are also easily exhibited! It is recommended to those who say that auctions are difficult.
・ It is possible to exhibit at any time during free time or moving just by taking a picture of the item at home!
-Just set the brand or category and describe the item description! You can start selling easily without getting lost with simple operation.
■ A lot of settlement methods are also safe and secure delivery
・ You can choose the payment according to your lifestyle, such as credit card, bank ATM, convenience store, carrier payment, Rakuten Pay, LINEPay, Paydy of next month payment, etc.
・ The sales money is charged to Rakuten Cash, and it can be used for settlement at Rakuten stores, Rakuten Travel and other Rakuten Group services as well as other convenience stores and drug stores.
・ In Rakuma, Nekopos, Takkyubin Compact, Letter Pack Lite, Letter Pack Plus, Yu Packet, Smart Letter, Click Post, Yu Mail, Regular Mail (fixed form, non-fixed form) are available.
・ You can easily carry out the delivery procedure at your local Lawson, FamilyMart! You can also deliver more safely and safely by anonymous delivery.
[You are using this person]
■ If you want to find fashionable fashion items worn in magazines and TVs
・ If you wanted items that were used in magazines and TV, but you sold quickly or were high and it was difficult to put out your hand
■ If you want to find your own favorite
・ If you are looking for handmade items well, you are making handmade accessories as a hobby, and you want to earn money with it, and you want to sell handmade miscellaneous goods, accessories, furniture, etc. as a side business
■ For mothers and housewives while raising children
・ If you want to sell or buy children's supplies during child-raising or child-raising, you can buy it for sale if it is Rakuma.
・ If you want to earn pocket money easily at a small time during child care
■ If you want to have your own hobbies
· Feel free to give it a try for the first time! A wide selection of items from interior goods, manga, games, home appliances, fishing supplies.
■ I want to use in combination with Rakuten other apps well
・ Those who use Rakuten various services
[Handling brand / category]
■ Brand
ACNE (Acne) / adidas (Adidas) / as know as de base (Aznoaz du Buzz) / asos (Eisos) / AQUA SCUTUM (Aqua Skewum) / Balenciaga (Balenciaga) / celine (Cerine) / CHANEL (Chanel) / SEE BY CHLOE / Christian Louboutin (Christian Louboutin) / COACH (Coach) / COMME des GARCONS (Comm des Garcons) / FENDI (Fendi) / Furla (Furla) / Gucci (Gucci) / Hermes (Hermes) / JIMMY CHOO (Jimmy Choo) ) / kate spade new york (Kate Spade New York) / LOEWE (Loewe) / LOUIS VUITTON (Louis Vuitton) / MARC BY MARC JACOBS (Mark by Marc Jacobs) / MERCURYDUO (Mercury Duo) / Michael Kors (Michael Course) / miumiu (Miu Miu) / MONCLER (Moncler) / NIKE (Nike) / Ralph Lauren (Ralph Lauren) / Ron Herman (Ron Herman) / Saint Laurent (Saint Laurent) / snidel (Snidel) / Stella McCartney (Stella McCartney) / Supreme (Best) / STAR JEWELRY (Star Jewelry) / steven alan (Steven Alan) / Tory Burch (Tory Burch) / UGG (Agg) / VALENTINO (Valentino) / Victoria's Secret (Victoria's Secret) / Vivi Westwood (Vivian Westwood) / agnes b (Ani es B) / BURBERRY (Burberry) / CANADA GOOSE (Canada Goose) / Chloe (Chloe) / CONVERSE (Converse) / DOLCE & GABBANA (Dolce & Gabbana) / LONGCHAMP (Long Shan) / THE NORTH FACE (The North Face) / NUMBER (N) INE (Number Nine) / PRADA (Prada) / Reebok (Reebok) / TOMMY HILFIGER (Tommy Hilfiger) / UNDERCOVER (Undercover) / VANS (Vans) / Y-3 (Wissley) / Yohji Yamamoto (Yoji Yamamoto) / UNIQLO (UNIQLO) / ZARA (Zara) etc
■ Handling category
Women's, Men's, Cosmetics / Beauty, Kids / Baby / Maternity, Entertainment / Hobby, Musical Instruments, Interior / Housing / Daily Necessities, Smartphone / Home Appliances / Camera, Handmade, Food / Beverage, Sports / Outdoors, Automobile / Motorcycle
You can buy and sell a large number of items.
Lakuma will make your app a better app based on your opinion so that customers can enjoy shopping.
For inquiries about requests, questions, and problems,
Please contact [Contact] on My Page (side menu) or the following address.
(* 1) From our own survey as of December 2018.
- 2019-08-23Update date
- Android SupportedAndroid 4.4+
About Free APK ラクマ(旧フリル) - 満足度No.1 楽天のフリマアプリ 7.15.0 For Android 2019
What's New in the Latest Version 7.15.0
Additional Information
Requires Android
Android 4.4+
App ID
Same like Free APK ラクマ(旧フリル) - 満足度No.1 楽天のフリマアプリ 7.15.0 For Android 2019
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